Oggi sono andato ad Arcumeggia luogo bellissimo chiamato anche valle dei pittori, caratterizzato da varie opere d'arte e affreschi sulle pareti delle case.
Hi to all Pierino' s friends,
Today I have been to Arcumeggia, a wonderful place also called the painters valley cause of the marvellous paints and frescos on the building walls.
To reach Arcumeggia from the highway exit of Buguggiate continue towards Lake Varese, passing the village Schiranna continue along the road of the Chiostro di Voltorre towards Luino, you will pass the villages of Coquio Trevisago, Gemonio, Caravate, Brenta once in Casalzuigno, after about one kilometer you will find on the left the road that climbs up the mountain and that takes to Arcumeggia.
macchina, in fronte al parcheggio un affresco mostra la mappa del paese con l'ubicazione delle opere.
Once arrived at the village you will find a nice church with on the side the parking where leave the car, in front of the parking there is a fresco showing the map of the place with the stations with paints.
Un breve filmato del posto
A short movie of the place
Lasciata l'auto Pierino si incammina fermandosi ad ogni angolo ad ammirare i dipinti dalle tematiche più varie .....sport...lavori....e....
Left the car Pierino started to walk along the small streets and stopping from time to time admiring the paints
Un breve filmato delle vie
A short movie
Dopo il giro del borgo Pierino ritorna al parcheggio e si accomoda sulle panchine del vicino parchetto per fare merenda e rilassarsi.
Back at the parking after the tour Pierino seated on the park benches and had his meal relaxng in the nature.
Un saluto da Pierino eee.....buona gita!!!
Bye bye from Pierino and.....enjoy your journey!!!
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